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05 May 2017
by Liz Morrell

Video: REBA Innovation Day: Why you mustn’t get overwhelmed by the phenomenal rate of change

The rate of change in the industry when it comes to the use of technology is phenomenal according to Debi O’Donovan, director of REBA.

The rate of change in the industry when it comes to the use of technology is phenomenal according to Debi O’Donovan, director of REBA.

Watch Debi O'Donovan's 'Setting the scene' session in full

Setting the scene at the REBA Innovation Day, O’Donovan said that there is huge change coming and that it is too easy to not keep up. “Sometimes we can all get really busy in our day jobs and look up to see what’s happening,” she said. “If we do that we can end up like Blockbuster – a business that no longer exists,” she said. She encouraged people to instead keep an ear open for the changes, themes and trends that will affect their future roles instead.

O’Donovan identified three key themes she says as being most important currently. These included the use of block chain, artificial intelligence and assessing employee performance and how to feed that into pay, benefits and recognition.

She encouraged companies to better make use of their data to understand what was happening in their businesses and organisations and react accordingly. “It’s the ability to integrate data and analytics, contextualise it and show the cause or links to outcomes,” she said.

She also warned delegates that everyone in the room was on a steep learning curve – however she encouraged people to work together. “The world is changing. Let’s get on that journey together,” she said.

This video was recorded at the REBA Innovation Day 2016.


Webinar: Multinational benefits strategies that will mitigate business risk

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Wed 15 May | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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