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28 Nov 2019
by Rebecca Patton

Video tutorial: Neyber's Mark Allcock asks if payroll as we know it will exist in 2025?

Mark Allcock, executive chief technology officer at Neyber, takes a glimpse in to the future of payroll benefits. He considers how regulatory frameworks for Fintech, the changing landscape of money and the failure of the banks to keep pace with employee, consumer and corporate change will impact payroll and benefits.

The emergence of a flexibile and mobile workforce, different ways of paying people, new technologies and a rise in financial wellbeing will all impact the future of payroll, according to Allcock.

During his speech at REBA's Innovation Day 2019, he commented: "Will salary and payroll be very different in 2025? Depending on your point of view, you may say that it won’t change very much or you may think it will change completely. I take the view that it will be radically different." 


Webinar: Multinational benefits strategies that will mitigate business risk

Protecting the health and resilience of your people and your organisation

Wed 15 May | 10.00 - 11.00 (BST)

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