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05 Jan 2017
by Liz Morrell

Video: REBA Innovation Day 2016: How recognition, feedback and engagement is changing

Businesses need to change how they work with feedback and engagement if it’s to truly be effective, says Matt Macri-Waller, CEO of Benefex.

Watch Benefex’ session on ‘How recognition, feedback and engagement is changing due to digital innovation’ in full.

Speaking at the REBA Innovation Day 2016 Macri-Waller said that tracking and measuring engagement was a big challenge – even with technology making it easier to manage – because some businesses weren’t changing how they work fundamentally. “A lot of the market has moved from annual feedback to quarterly, monthly or even real time feedback but unless you change the organisation to make changes [as a result of that feedback] you will end up back in the same place,” he said.

“What we have seen a lot of organisations struggle with is that the technology has been able to ask whatever you want whenever you want it but the issue for a lot of organisations is that the intent is there to get the feedback but pretty much everyone works on a budgeting cycle that’s annual and until that changes gathering feedback can be more challenging,” he said. “With feedback you need to ask at a cadence and rhythm that you can react to,” he said.

He talked about the pros and cons of treating employees like consumers, as well as using moments of truth to build loyalty into your employer brand.

This video was recorded at the REBA Innovation Day 2016.  

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